
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Auditing Chapter 5

Chapter 5 
Q. Write down the overview of financial statement audit.
Ans: Financial audit is the examination of financial statements to express to an opinion on the truth and fairness of financial condition. The overviews of financial statement audit are as follows.
1.      The financial statements are done on the basis of company’s policy.
2.      It is made on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles.
3.      It has been done by adequate books of account.
4.      It has done to take proper statement for safeguarding the assts.
5.      It has done to show proper profit and loss account.
6.      It has done to show proper assets and liabilities.
7.      The auditor should examine the liability position of the company.
8.       The auditor should examine the risky position of the company.

Q. Identify the four phases of financial statement audit.

Ans : The four phases of financial statement audit are mentioned below.
1.      Accepting the audit engagement: The audit phase of financial statement audit involves a decision to accept the opportunity to become the auditor for a new client or to continue as auditor for existing client.
2.      Planning the audit: The second phases of the audit require the development of an audit strategy for the conduct and scope of the audit. Planning is crucial to successful audit engagement. Audit planning usually done from 3-6 months prior to the client fiscal year.
3.      Performing audit tests: The third phase of the audit is performing audit tests. This phase is also referred to as perfuming the field work because the tests are usually done on the client premises. Audit tests are typically performed from 3 to 4 months before to 1to 3 months after the end of client’s fiscal year.
4.      Reporting the findings: The forth and final phase of audit is reporting the findings. The audit report may be standard or there may be departure from the standard report. The audit report is generally issued within 1to 3 weeks of completing the field work.

Q. State the steps involved in accepting an audit engagement.
Ans:      The steps involved in accepting an audit engagement are stated below:
1.      Evaluate integrity of management: Evaluate integrity of management is the primary purpose of a financial statement audit is to express an opinion on management’s financial statements.
2.      Identify special circumstances and unusual risks : Matters pertaining to this steps in accepting an engagement includes identifying the intended users of the audited financial statement.
3.      Assess competence to perform audit: The audit is to performed by a person or persons having educate, technical training and proficiency as an auditor.
4.      Evaluate independence: In all matters relating to the assignment, independence in mental attitude is to be maintained by the auditor.
5.      Determine ability to use due care : Due professional care is to be exercised in the performance of the audit and the preparation of the report
6.      Preparing the engagement letter: As the final step in the acceptance phase, it is good professional practice to confirm the term of each engagement in an engagement letter.
Q.    What do you mean by audit planning?
Ans: Audit planning involves the development of an overall strategy or game plan for the expected conduct and scope of the audit. The amount of planning required in an engagement will vary with the size and complexity of the client and auditor knowledge of an experience with the clients.
Q. Discuss the steps in planning the audit?
Ans: There are six steps in planning the audit those are stated below.
1.      Obtain understanding of client business and industry.
2.      Perform analytical procedure.
3.      Make preliminary judgments about materiality levels.
4.      Consider about risk.
5.      Develop preliminary audit strategies for significant assertions.
6.      Obtain understanding of clients internal control structure.
Chapter 6
Q. What is Materiality?
Ans: Materiality is an essential consideration in determining the appropriate types of report for a given of circumstances.
Materiality defines as—
          A materiality in the financial statement can be considered as material if the knowledge of misstatement would affect the decision of the reasonable user of the financial statement.
Q. Write down the steps of applying materiality.
Ans :  Materiality is an essential consideration in determining the appropriate types of report for a given of circumstances. The steps of applying materiality are as follows

1.      Set preliminary judgment about materiality.
2.      Allocate preliminary judgment about materiality segment.
3.      Estimate total management in segment.
4.      Estimate the combined misstatement.
5.      Compare the combined estimate with the preliminary or revised judgment about materiality.

Q. State how the auditor arrives at preliminary judgments about materiality at the financial statements and account balance level.
Ans : The auditors make preliminary judgments about materiality level in planning the audit. In the materiality in the following two level.

     1. Financial statement level: Financial statements materiality is the minimum aggregate misstatement in the financial statement that is importance enough to prevent the statement from being presented fairly in conformity with GAAP. In this context, misstatement may result from misapplication of GAAP, departure from facts and omission of necessary information.
    The auditor’s preliminary judgments about materiality are often made six to nine months before the balance sheet date. The financial statement data, In making preliminary determine aggregate level of materiality for each statement.
  Materiality judgments involved both quantitative and qualitative consideration.
     2. Account balance level: Account balance materiality is the minimum misstatement that exists in an account balance and for, it to be considered as, materially misstated.
In making judgment about materiality at the account balance level the auditor must consider the relationship between it and financial statement materiality. This consideration should lead the auditor to plan the audit and to detect misstatement.
Q. What is audit Risk?
Ans : Audit risk is the risk that the auditor unknowingly fail to appropriately modify his or her opinion on the financial statement that are materially misstated.
In planning the audit the auditor should consider the audit risk.
Q. Discuss the audit risk components.
Ans : There are three components of audit risk .These are described below.

1.      Inherent Risk: Inherent risk in the susceptibility of an assertion to a material misstatement, assuming that there is no related internal control structure policies and procedures.
2.      Control Risk: Control risk is the risk that a material misstatement that occurs in an assertion will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis by the entity’s internal control structure policies or procedure.
3.      Detection Risk: Detection risk is the that an auditor will not detect a material misstatement that exists in an assertion.

     The auditor must consider the audit risk in planning and formulating the audit.

Q. State the relationship among the risk components. Express audit risk model.

Ans : There is an inverse relationship between assessed level of inherent and control risk for an  assertion and the level of detection risk that the auditor can accept for assertion. Thus the lower the assessment level of inherent and control risk the higher the acceptable of detection risk.
The audit risk model express the relationship among the risk components are as follows.
       AR= Audit Risk
       IR=Inherent Risk
       CR= Control Risk
       DR= Detection Risk
DR can be determined by solving the model as follows.
 To determine the planned detection risk for an assertion CR is based on the auditors panned assessed level of control risk.
Q. State the interrelationship among materiality audit risk and audit evidence.
 : The   interrelationship among materiality audit risk and audit evidence are as follow.
1.      There is an inverse relationship between materiality and audit evidence.
2.      There is an inverse relationship between materiality and audit risk and audit evidence.
3.      If we hold audit risk constant and reduce materiality level , audit evidence must increase.
4.      If we hold materiality level constant and reduce audit evidence ,audit risk must increase.
5.      Increase materiality level while holding audit evidence constant.
6.      Increase audit evidence while holding materiality level constant, or
7.      Make smaller increase in both the amount in both the amount of audit evidence and materiality level.

Q. What are audit risk alerts?

Ans :  Audit risk alerts are intended to provide auditors with an overview of recent economic ,professional and regulatory developments that may affect audits for clients in many industries

           In addition to general audit risk alerts, updates are issued covering developments related to specific industries. Following are the three example of subject discussed in AICP’SM audit risk alerts.

1.      Implication of an account economics environment
2.      Regulatory development.
3.      Now auditing and attestation pronouncement. 



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