
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Business Communication BBA First year Second semester examination, 2008

BBA First year Second semester examination, 2008
                                                  Business Communication
Subject code: 1201
Examination code: 602
Time – 3 hours
Full marks- 70
[N.B. - the figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer any five questions from Part A and Four questions from part B]
Part – A - Short Question
Marks- 5x5=25
1.      (a) What do you mean by communication?
(b) Describe the nature of communication.
2.      (a) Indicate the differences between written and oral communication.
(b)What do you mean by organizational communication?
3.      (a) Distinguish between a business letter and a personal letter.
(b) Discuss the essential features of a good business letter.

4.      (a) Show the points of similarities and dissimilarities between sales letter and employment communication.
(b) Prepare your bio-data which you can submit along with your employment application.
5.      (a) Show the differences between a letter and a memorandum.
(b) Explain how communication can increase the efficiency of management.
6.      What are the processes of business communication?
7.      (a) List various types of Business Report.
(b) What are the essential parts of Business Report?
Part B- Broad Questions
(Answer any three questions)
Marks- 15x3=45
8.      (a) What is meant by effective communication?
(b) What are the barriers to effective communication in the business enterprises of Bangladesh?
(c) Suggest measures to remove such barriers to communication.
9.      (a) What so you mean by two-way communication? Discuss its importance.
(b) Distinguish between one-way and two-way communication.
(c) What are the principles of effective feedback?
10. (a) Describe the various types of company meeting.
(b) Distinguish between minutes and report of a meeting.
(c) Draft a notice convening statutory meeting.
11. (a) What is meant by a letter of complaint?
(b) What are the factors to be chief commercial in writing a letter of complaint?
(c) Write a letter of complaint to the chief commercial officer, Bangladesh Railway, informing him of the damage of goods caused in transit.
12. Write a short notes on:-
                                I.            Agenda;
                             II.            Proxy;
                           III.            Special resolution;
                          IV.            E-communication;
                            V.            7Cs in communication.


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