
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Introduction to Computer, BBA First year First semester examination, 2011

BBA First year First semester examination, 2011
                                                  Introduction to Computer
Subject code: 1103
Time – 3 hours
Full marks- 70
[N.B. – the figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer any five questions from Part A and Four questions from part B]
Part – A – Short Question
Marks- 6*5=30
1.      (a) What is computer? Write down the characteristics of computer.
(b) What is the difference between analog and digital computer?
2.      (a) What do you mean by generation of computer? Write down the characteristics of 3rd generation computer?
(b) What are the difference between data and information?
(c) What is ASCII code?

3. (a) What are the difference between primary memory and secondary memory?
  (b) The capacity of a CD-ROM is 750 MB and the capacity of a floppy disk is 14 MB. How many floppy disks are equivalent to a CD-ROM?
4. (a) What factors you should consider before buying a monitor for your organization?
(b) What is the meaning of VGA, SVGA and XGA?
5. (a)What do you mean by text code?
(b) Why the binary system is so important?
(c) Describe the function of CPU.
6. (a) How can a network help a small business save money on printing?
(b) What are four primary types of media used to link networks?
(c) What are the difference between protocol and topologies?
7. (a) What is the difference between a spreadsheet and a worksheet?
(b) Write the advantages of using charts.
                                     PART-B- Broad Questions
(Answer any four questions)
Marks- 10*4=40
8. (a) Briefly explain the application of computer in business.
(b) What is software? Describe the classification of software.
9. (a) Briefly explain threats of computer and communication technology.
(b) Describe the ways of preventing threats of computer and communication technology.
10. (a) Describe the common features of application software.
(b)Write down the steps of checking spelling and grammar using MS-Word.
(c) Write down the steps of creating header and footer.
11. (a) What is internet, intranet and extranet?
 (b) What are VOIP and WAP?
(c) What is www? What is the function of www?
(d) What are cookies? What are the functions of cookies?
12. (a) A potential drawback occurs when you rely on the internet news groups as sources of information. Describe the problem.
 (b) When a business connects its own network to the internet what kind of risk does the business create for itself?
13. (a) What are the benefits of data  processing by using computer?
(b) What do you know about impact and non-impact printers?


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