
Sunday, October 27, 2013

1st Semester Introduction to business

BBA 1st Year 1st Semester
Introduction to business
1.      What is meant by business? Discuss the prospect of business in Bangladesh.(2012)
2.      State the basic elements &objectives of business.
3.      Write down the natures or features or characteristics of business.
4.      Why we study business? /Importance of studying business.
5.      What are the responsibilities of business?

6.      Differentiate among business, trade & commerce.
7.      What qualities make a businessman successful in business? (durag-9)
8.      Write down importance of business.(durga-3)
9.      Write down scope of business.(durage-4)
10. Write down the classification of business.(durga-4)
11. Is business a profession? Explain (durga-25)
12. Explain Business and ethics.
13. What factors determine the business size?
14. Briefly discuss the social and human objectives of business.(aziz-234)
15. Define free market economy. Briefly discuss the features of mixed economy.
16. What are the important causes of widespread corruption in Bangladesh?
17. Which form of business do you like best & why? Discuss. The business challenges in 21stcentury.
18. Differential between free market economy and commend economy.
19. List & discuss the arguments for and against social responsibility by business.
20. What are the constraints those affect development of business.
21. What are the essential characteristics of a good form of business organization?
22. How transportation cost and labor cost influence industrial location according to Webers theory of Industrial location?
23. Discuss the role of business is the socio economic development of business.
Business environment
1.      Define business environment.
2.      Discuss broadly the element of business environment.
3.      What is meant by location of business?
4.      Write down the factors that affect on the selection of business.

Business organization
1.      What is business organization?
2.      Describe the different forms of ownership of business in Bangladesh.
3.      Describe the relative position of each form of business ownership.
4.      What is the consideration in the choice of specific form of business ownership? / What are the factors affecting choice business organization?

Sole proprietorship
1.      Define sole tradership business. Explain the features of sole proprietorship business.(2012)
2.      Explain the advantages & disadvantages of sole proprietorship business.
3.      For what reasons sole proprietorship business is suitable? / what are the causes of survival of small business side by side large scale business.(liton ali-19)
Partnership business
1.      Define partnership business.(2012)
2.      Write down the essential elements of partnership contract.
3.      “Utmost good faith is the core element that leads a partnership business to success”-comment on this statement. (2012)
4.      Explain the natures/ features/ characteristics of partnership business.
5.      Explain the types of partnership business.
6.      What is partnership agreement/ deed/ the articles of partnership business?
7.      Why partnership agreement is important in partnership business.
8.      Write down the contents of partnership agreement.
9.      Explain different Kinds/types of partners in partnership business.(2012)
10. Can a minor be a partner? (2012)
11. Who can be a partner in partnership business? How the right of a minor partner can be protected?
12. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of partnership business.
13. Why registration is important in partnership business? What are the effects of non registration?
14. Explain the Mode of determining existence of partnership/(duga-56)
15. Distinction between partnership and co- ownership.(durga-59)
16. What is limited partnership? Write down the advantages and disadvantages of limited partnership.(durga-63-65)
17. Discuss the right and obligations of a partnership in absence of partnership deed.
18. Briefly discuss the method of dissolution of partnership business. / How partnership can be dissolved?

Co-operative society
1.      Define co-operative society.
2.      What are the Features/ characteristics of co-operative society?
3.      What are the Objectives of co-operative society?
4.      Explain Types of co-operative society.
5.      Explain Importance of co-operative society.
6.      What are the Principles of co-operative society?
7.      Explain the Advantages and disadvantages of co-operative society.
8.      Briefly Explain Formation process of co-operative society.(durga-231)
9.      Briefly Explain the Limitations of co-operative society.

            State enterprises/ statutory corporation
1.      What do you mean by state enterprises?
2.      “State enterprises are the burden to the national economy”-comment.
3.      What is your opinion regarding Bangladesh railway/ biman Bangladesh airlines.
4.       Is it necessary to run state enterprises in this age of market economy? Defend your position.
5.      One stop service for business from govt. organizations are very urgent.-Do you agree? (2012)

6.       a) Do you think that state enterprise is essential for Bangladesh? Justify your opinion.
            b) Indentify the problems of state owned enterprises in Bangladesh. Prescribe the solution to the   problems.
7.       What are the various significant fields of state enterprises?
8.      a) State briefly the areas in which state owned enterprises are preferable to that of other forms of business organizations?(2012)
b) Discuss in brief, the different forms of state owned business organizations. (2012)

Institutions for promotion of business
1.      What is chamber of commerce & industry?
2.      Mention the important functions of chamber of commerce and industry? (Durga- 514)
3.      What are the objects of chamber of commerce & industry?
4.       What is FBCCI?
5.       Functions of FBCCI
6.       What is stock exchange? Describe the role of stock exchange in the development of capital market in a country.(2012)
7.      Mention the functions of Dhaka stock exchange. (2012)
8.       What is capital marker? How the stock exchange does contribute to the capital formation in an economy? (Durga)
9.      List the reasons for fluctuation in share prices.
10. Describe the trading procedure of DSE.(durga)
11. Is privatization good for the economy? Defend your position.
12.  What is BOI? How does BOI promote investment in Bangladesh?
13. How does BSCIC contribute to the development of small and cottage industry in Bangladesh?(2010)
14. Explain about Shilpa rin sangstha.
15. What is Privatization board? ( 2010)
16. Write short notes on-EPZ(2010),ICB,BARD(2012).
17. What are the incentives and facilities that GOB has offered for private entrepreneurs to attract investment in the EPZ areas of Bangladesh. (2012)
18. What are the functions of NBR?
19. State in brief the roles of EPB in the development of export markets for Bangladesh(2010,12)

Trade practices in Bangladesh
1.      a) What is commerce policy?
b) Discuss the salient features of commercial policy of Bangladesh.
2.      What is the procedure of import trade? Discuss in details.
3.      Discuss the steps that may be necessary to export goods from Bangladesh.
4.       What are the documents used in international trade? Or, what are the documents used in shipping procedure?
5.       What is commercial advice?
6.        Write short notes.
                                                              i.      Invoice. (2012)
                                                           ii.      Letter of credit.
                                                         iii.      Back to back L/C (2012)
                                                         iv.      Bill of lading.
                                                            v.      Consular invoice.
                                                         vi.      Pressure group.
                                                       vii.      Port authority.
                                                    viii.      Charter party. (2012)


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