
Sunday, October 27, 2013

2nd semester Principles of Management

                                        PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT (1203)
01. Define Manager. Describe different types of Manager.
02. Define Management. Describe the functions of Management.
03. Management is the combination of science & Arts-Explain.
04. Describe the different Managerial Roles Which Managers play given by Henri Mintzberg.
Or, Describe the Managerial Roles which Managers play?...(2011)
05. Mention the principles of Management as per Henry Fayol.……..(2010)

06. Define Management along with its Elements.
07. Describe the conditions for becoming a successful Manager.
08. Mention your suggestion for the development of Manager.
09. Is Management a profession?
10. Management is Arts or Science or both?-Explain
11. Management Ensures Efficiency & Effectiveness in productivity of Business organization. Explain.
12. Do you think Management should be studied by a student?
13. What is Systems Approach? What are the implications of system Approach?
14. What is Management theory jungle?…(2010)
15. What are the limitations of scientific Management?
16. What is the basic difference between scientific Management Approach & functional Management Approach?
17. Why F.W. Taylor is called father of scientific Management….(2011)
18. What is 7’s Approach?
19. What is Z theory

01. Discuss the characteristics of a good plan.
02. State the limitations of planning.
03. Why is planning premise required?
04. Define planning. Describe the steps in planning process.
05. What is pervasiveness of planning?
06. Discuss different types of planning.
07. Is there any relationship between planning & Controlling in management process - Explain.
08. Short Note:-  Planning & Forecasting.
09. What are the techniques or tools used in planning? Describe.
10. Plan & Planning…(2008)
11. Explain Staff & line management...(2008)

01. What are the differences between mechanistic & Organic Organization.
02. Define Organizing. Identify the basic Elements of Organizing.
03. Explain the process of organizing. Or, The logic of organizing.
04. What are the factors determining an effective span?

01. What do you mean by Departmentation? What are the bases of Departmentation?
02. What is Matrix Organization? State the Merits & Demerits of Matrix organization.

01. What do you mean by Staffing?
02. Discuss Functions involved in staffing process.
03. Explain the reasons of job satisfaction.

01. How would you distinguish between power & authority?
02. Define power? Describe the sources from which power may evolve.
03. Distinguish between decentralization & delegation.
04. Explain the principles of delegation.
05. What factors will you consider to decentralize authority?
Or, Explain the factors determining the degree of decentralization of authority.
06. When centralization of authority is desirable.
07. Authority & responsibility must be equal-Explain.
08. Define Delegation of Authority? Why authority is delegated?
09. State the advantages , Disadvantages/limitations of Delegation of authority?(2008)

01. What is management by objectives?
02. Discuss the MBO Process/cycle with its limitations?
03. What are the benefits & weakness/ limitations of MBO.
                                                 DECISION MAKING
01. Define decision making? What are the steps in decision making process?
02. Explain the two types of decisions.
03. What are the decision making conditions?
04. Explain the approaches in selecting an alternative in case of decision making.
05. What is group decision making? What are its advantages & disadvantages?
06. Define the concept of chain of command. “Span of control has influence on the decision making process”-How?

COMMITTEES & Group Decision making
       1. Define committee. Explain the nature of committee.
       2. What are the reasons of using committee?
       3. Explain how committees made successful?
       4. What are the disadvantages of committee?

01. What is participation? What are prerequisite for Effective Participation?
02. Describe the different types of participation program.
03. What is Participatory management?.
04. Why is participation So popular in modern management?(2008)

01. Define Direction. Describe the principles of Direction.
02. Various methods of Direction? (2008)
           Why is direction Important? (2008)

01. Meaning of Motivation?
02. Show Basic Motivation process?
03. Distinguish between motivation & satisfaction.
04. What are the factors influencing Motivation?
05. “Money is ultimate motivator”- Explain
06. Explain Need Hierarch Theory?
07. Discuss Mc Gregor’s view on Motivation?
08. Explain McClelland’s Need theory of motivation.
09. Explain ALderfer’s ERG Theory.
10. Explain Equity theory of motivation.
11. Explain Expectancy Model of Motivation?
12. What do you understand by the “Two factor theory of motivation”?
13. Compare & Contrast Content theories & process theories of Motivation?
14. Compare & Contrast between Herzberg’s two factor theory & Maslow’s need hierarchy theory.

01. Leadership is both a process & a property-Explain.
02. Define leadership with its basic elements?
03. What are the qualities / ingredients of leadership?
04. Explain different styles of leadership.
05. Distinguish Between a manager & a leader?
06. Explain the managerial Grid theory of leadership (Diagram).
07. Explain different theories- Trait theory, Situational theory.
08. What are the factors affective to be a charismatic leader? Differentiate between Transactional & Transformational leadership?
09. Explain Behavioral theory of   leadership?

01. Define control? What are the steps in control process?
02. What are the requirements of a good control system / Effective control system?
03. Controlling is indispensable with other function of management-Explain.
04. Name the Characteristics of Effective control.(Griffin-636)
05.  Distinguish between operations control & financial control.(Griffn-624)
06. Describe the important controlling Methods in management?
07. Identify the Various areas of control? (Griffin-619)


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