Management (3205)
1. What do you mean by operations management (10/09/08/07)
2. Explain the steps in manufacturing process (2010)
3. Define inventory. (08)why proper inventory
valuation is important for a business (10)
4.”types of inventory in manufacturing concern are
not similar to service concern” (10)
5. explain the concept of total quality management
/what do you mean by TQM (10/08/070
7. What is decision process? Explain the
relationship between decisions in manufacturing and service concern (10)
8. Define competitive priorities (10)
9. What are the three service and manufacturing
strategies in operations strategy(10)
10. What performance criteria should be emphasized
for layout (10)
11. Describe three basic steps in flexible
12. Define capacity, what are the two ways of capacity
measures (10)
13. What is corporate strategy (10)
14. What factors should be considered at the time of
developing corporate strategy (10)
15. What do you mean by market analysis (10)
16. Explain the steps in market analysis (10)
17. What factor should consider at the time of job
design (10)
18. What is location analysis (10/08)
19. Explain in brief the factors that affect
location analysis/rite down the factors affecting the best site of a business
unit (10/08)
20. What is load distance method? Discuss the
situations where this method is appropriate(10)
21. Explain different types of quality control tools
22. Forecasting (10)
23. ISO 9000(10)
24. JIT-II (just in time 2)(10)
25. Market segmentations (10)
26. Supply
chain management(SCM)(10)
27.mass customization(10)
28.gamtt chart (10/09)
29.kanban system (10/09)
30.explain its (operations management)importance in
business (09)
31.differentiate between service at manufacturing
process (09)
32.what ids process management(09)
33.discuss in short the major process design (09)
34.what is quality(09)
35.discuss the continuous improvement approach of
total quality management (09)
36.what is layout planning (07)why it is important
for manufacturing organization(09)
37.discuss in brief the different types of layouts
38.explain the general operating rules for the
39.difin the three dimensions of capacity strategy
that operation managers must examine
before making capacity decisions(2009)
40.what is Scheduling? Explain in short the methods
used to schedule customer demand(2009)
41.ISO 1400(2009)
43.Break-Even Analysis(09/07/08)
44.job design(09)
45.decision trees(09)
46.what dominant factors will you consider to choose
a new location for a manufacturing plant and eservice plant? explain in short
47.explain the decision patterns for service process
48.discuss the different types of manufacturing
processes (09)
49.explain how the capacity of manufacturing concern
can be measured(09)
50.what is aggregate planning (09)
51.discuss the purposes of aggregate planning/what
are the items of aggregate plan(09/07)
52.discuss how the employee scheduling can be done
for a common manufacturing business(09)
53.discuss the techniques by which a manufacturing
company can reduce its inventory(090
54.why it (operations management )is important for
55.define just in time(08/07)
56.explain its (just in time )reference(08)
57.what is ISO (08)
58.define importance of ISO certificate(08)
59.explain the importance of break even analysis(08)
60.states its(quality)associated costs (08)
61.state in a brief various method of quality
62.mention the principles of TQM(08/07)
63.discuss the application of TQM in the industrial
sectors in Bangladesh (08)
64.define capacity planning (08) there any relationship between capacity
planning and capacity (08)
67.explain PERT and CPM(07/08)
67.define layout analysis (080
68.Hy bride layout(08/07)
69.ware house layout (080 layout (08)
71.what are the types of inventory (08)
72.principles of
schedule (08) will you schedule service operations (08)
74.what types of decisions are involved in managing
operations? Briefly discuss(07)
75.what is utilization and productivity? why it is
76.what are the four questions that must be
addressed regarding layout planning (070
77.discuss the different dimensions of quality (070
78.discuss the process for preparing aggregate plan (07)
79.what are the assumptions of EOQ(07)
80.discuss the trends and challenges of operations
management in Bangladesh(07) you think that employee insolvent is necessary
in TQM? How (07)
82. Economics and diseconomies of scale (07)
83. Hybrid and flexible layout (07)
84. ISO 26000(07)
85. FIFO and LIFO (07)
86. Discuss the systematic approach to capacity decision
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