
Friday, October 11, 2013

Auditing Chapter (4) : Audit objective, evidence, and working paper

4th  Chapter

Q. What is audit evidence? Discuss the objective of audit evidence.

Ans :    Audit evidence is the fundamental concept in auditing . Audit evidence is referred to as evidential matter corroborating information available to the auditor.

                                            All the information used by the auditor in arriving at the conclusion on which the audit opinion is based and includes the information wintered statement and others information . 

                                          The objectives of audit evidence are stated below :

1.      To enable the auditor to express an opinion rather than finance statement are prepared in all material objects.
2.      To enable the auditor to arrival at a conclusion which will become a basis for audit opinion.
3.      To enable the auditor to disclose whether he has obtain or has been provided with sufficient evidence.

Q. What are the types the of audit evidence?

Ans : Audit evidence is the fundamental concept used by the auditor to arrived at a conclusion . The type of audit evidence are stated below :

1.      Analytical evidence :  Analytical evidence involves the comparison of current period date.

2.      Documentary evidence : Documentary is the auditors examination of the clients documents that should be in the financial statement.
3.      Written presentation : Written presentation are the responses to enquires by the auditor by the responsible persons inside or outside the organization.

4.      Mathematical evidence : Mathematical evidence results from recalculation by the auditor and a comparison of those results with the calculation provided by the organization.

5.       Oral evidence : Oral evidence originates from the oral enquires made by the auditor to the official and key employees of the organization.

6.      Physical evidence : Physical evidence is the inspection or count by the auditor of al tangible assets.

7.      Visual and electronic evidence : The video copies of several interviews  may be as visual evidence .Electronic evidence is any information preduce or maintained by electronic means.

8.      Confirmation ‘s : Confirmation constitute a special class of documentary evidence involving direct written responses by knowledgeable third port’s to specific request for factual information.

Q.. What is audit procedure? What are the types of audit procedure? 

Ans: Audit procedure are the techniques acts performed or the method or techniques wed by the auditor to gather and evaluate audit evidence .they may be applied to the underlying accounting date or the process of obtained and evaluating corroborating information .

They are ten types of audit procedure those are mentioned below :

1.      Analytical procedure :   Analytical procedure consists of study and comparison of relationship among data .This procedure produce analytical evidence.

2.      Inspecting : Inspecting    involves careful scruting  or  detailed examination of documents and records and physical examination of tangible resources .This   procedure is used extensively in auditing.

3.      Confirming : Confirming is to the form of enquiry that enables the auditor to obtain to  information directly  form an independent source outside the client organization.

4.      Enquiring : Enquiring involves either oral or written enquiring auditor .Enquiry produce either oral evidence or evidence in the form of written representation.

5.      Counting : The two most common application 0f country are -

                                  a. The physical counting of tangible resource 
                                   b. Accounting for all renumbered document

6. Tracing : In tracing the auditor selects document created when transaction are executed and determines that information form the document is properly recorded  in the accounting records.

7.Observing  : Observing pertains to watching or witnessing the performance of some activity or process.

8. Re-performing : A major application of his procedure is reperfoming calculation and reconciliation made by the client .Mathematical evidence is produced by this produce 

Q. What are the objectives of audit procedure ?Or What are the classification of audit procedure on the basis of purpose or objectives?

Ans : Audit procedure are the technique used by the audit to gather and evaluate audit evidence the objectives of audit evidence are given blow –

1.      Procedure of obtain an understanding :  The standards of field work  requires the auditor to obtain an understanding of the client  internal control structure polices and procedure.

2.      Test of control : Test of control  are the made to provide evidence about the effectiveness of the design and  operation of internal control structure polices and procedure.

3.      Substantive Test : Substantive test consist of  

a.      Analytical procedure
b.      Test of details of transaction
c.      Test of details of balance .

Q What is working paper? What are the objectives of working paper?

Ans : Working paper are those paper which contain essential facts about account s so that the auditor may have again to go over the accounts of his clients in case he wants to refer to them later during the course of his audit .

The objectives  of working paper are giving blow ---

Coordination of work : 

1.      In order to support the auditors report ,this papers show in details the work performed by the audit clerks.

Measurement of efficiency

2.      The auditor can from an opinion about the efficient or otherwise of the audit clerks.

     Use as documentary Evidence 

3.      Working paper considered as the permanent record and auditor can defined himself in case of suits against him.

    Arrangement for Training  : 

        4.The preparation of working papers is a means to gives training to the audit clerk as the work done by them.

  Quick submission of report  :

5. The working paper enable to prepare the report be issued without mass waste of time.

         Knowing about compliance of order :

6.He can know that his assistants had follower his instruction.

   Assistance in future audit :

7.Future audit work can be carried on some sequence on the basis of the previous working papers.
8. Informing the authoress about error and commission .
9. Assistance for preparation of audit working paper.
10. Decreased in risk.

Q. Write down the essential requirement of good working papers.

Ans : The essential requirements of good working paper are as follows. 

1)     Completeness :  They should contain all essential information so that they may be maximum utility.

2)     Organization and arrangement :  For getting maximum utility the document should be proper organized and arranged.

3)     Clearness  : The facts in the working paper should be set out clearly.

4)     Easily Understand :The facts stated should be easily understand by the reader.

5)     Quality paper  : Paper used for working paper should be good quality so that it may not be damaged.

6)     Size : Paper used should be  convenient and uniform size.

7)       Proper arrangement : Paper should be arrange together in a logical order.

8)     Space : Sufficient space should left after each note so that any decision taken by the auditor may be note in that space.



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