
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Introduction to Business BBA First year First semester examination, 2012

BBA First year First semester examination, 2012
                                                  Introduction to Business
Subject code: 1101
Examination code: 601
Time – 3 hours
Full marks- 70
[N.B. - the figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer any five questions from Part A and Four questions from part B]
Part – A - Short Question
Marks- 6*5=30
1. (a) Define Business.
   (b) Discuss the prospect of business in Bangladesh.
2. Differentiate between private limited company and public limited company.
3. (a) What do you mean by Stock Exchange?
(b) Mention the functions of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE).
4. (a) What is partnership business?
(b) Can a minor be a partner?
5. Define sole trader ship business. State some of the important features of a sole trader ship business.
6. State, in brief, the different types of shares a joint stock company generally can sponsor.
7. State, in brief, the roles of Export promotion Bureau (EPB) in the development of export markets for Bangladesh.

PART-B- Broad Questions
(Answer any four questions)
Marks- 10*4=40
8.(a) What are the incentives and facilities the GOB has Offered for private entrepreneurs to attract investment in the EPZ areas of Bangladesh.
   (b)State the role of stock exchange in the development of capital market in a country.
9. (a) Discuss the concept  ‘Separation of ownership from Management and control’.
   (b)How a public limited company can be formed?
10. (a) State briefly the areas in which state –owned enterprises are preferable to that of other forms of business organizations.
     (b)Discuss the different types of partners available in a partnership business.
11. (a) Discuss the different types of partner available in a partnership business.
       (b) “Utmost good faith is the core element that leads a partnership business to success.”-comment on this statement.
12. (a) Mention the Reasons Behind some Company of their rapid development than others.
(b)One stop service for business from Govt. Organization is very urgent.-Do you agree?
13. (a) Charter party
(b) Back to back L/C
(c) Invoice
(d) Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB)
(e) Social responsibility of business
(f) BARD
(g) Right share.


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