
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Introduction to Business BBA First year First semester examination, 2011

BBA First year First semester examination, 2011
                                                  Introduction to Business
Subject code: 1101
Examination code: 601
Time – 3 hours
Full marks- 70
[N.B. - the figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer any five questions from Part A and Four questions from part B]
Part – A - Short Question
Marks- 6*5=30
1.      What is meant by Business? State its basic elements and objective.
2.      (a) Differentiate among business, Trade and commerce.
(b) What qualities make a businessman successful in business?
   3. Discuss the formation of a joint stock company.
   4. (a) Define Co-operative society.
     (b) What are the principles of co-operative society?
   5. (a) What is Chamber of Commerce and Industry?
       (b) What are the services rendered by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry?
   6. How does BSCIC contribute the development of small and cottage industries in Bangladesh?
   7. Discuss the economic and social responsibility of a business.

PART-B- Broad Questions
(Answer any four questions)
Marks- 10*4=40
   8.  (a) Discuss the right and obligation of a partner in absence of partnership deed.
     (b)Explain the advantage and disadvantage of limited partnership.
   9. (a) what is the prospectus of a joint stock company? State briefly five of its principal feature.
 (b) Mention the methods of winding up of a company. State one of the major methods winding up of a company.

10. (a) Explain the role of Export Promotion bureau (EPB) in the expansion of export of our country.
(b) Evaluate the performance of DSE as secondary capital market.
11. (a) Which is the regulatory body of stock exchanges in Bangladesh among DSE, CSE and SEC? Mention two important functions of it.
(b)Discuss the trading procedure of DSE.
(c) Mention important constraints of EPZ
12. (a) Explain how business delivers higher living standard ti the people.
(b) Discuss the steps in exporting goods to England

13. Write short note (any four)
(a) Bill of Exchange
(e) Privatization Broad;


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