
Monday, October 14, 2013

Programming Language, CSE First semester Examination, 2009

(Programming Language)
Time -3hours
Full mark-80
[N.B.-the figure in the right margin indicate full mark. Answer any four questions. Proper sequence of answer must be maintained.]
1.  (a)  Describe the basic structure of C program.         
(b) How do variables and symbolic names differ?
(c)Write a C program to calculate the area and circumferences of a cicle
(d) Describe the basic data types used in C.

2. (a) What is conditional operator? Explain with example.
(b)Describe the IF, IF-ELE, NESTED IF-ELSE with flowchart & example.
(c) Write a program to compute the sum of the digits of a given integer number.
3. (a)Write down the general form and flowchart of switch statement.
(b)Is it good approach to use to go to statement? If not , explain why ?  write down the use of break statement.
(c)What is the difference between m--and -- m
(d) Write a C program to compute the roots of a quadratic equation:
[use the following conditions:
(1)There is only one root, if a =0 (x=-c/b)

(2)There are no real roots, if -4ac is negative;
(3) Otherwise there are two real roots.]

4. (a) What is an array? Why an array is called structured data type?
(b)Describe how two dimensional arrays is declared and initialized.
(c) Write a program to find the n-th Fibonacci series.
(d)Distinguish between structure and union
 5. (a) What do you library & user-defined function? Write down the need of user defined functions.
(b) What is a pointer? Declare and initialize a pointer variable.
(c)What do you mean by call by value and call by reference? Give example.
(d) Write a C program that uses a function to sort an array of integers.
6. (a)What is function definition? Write general form of function definition.
(b)Describe the different types of string handling functions with meaning & example.
(c)Define: (1) Function prototype (2) Function argument.
(d)Write a program to find the functional of an integer using recursive function.


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