
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Introduction to Computer System, CSE Part-1, Frist semester examination,2013

(Introduction to Computer System)
Time -3 hours
Full marks – 80
[N.B.-the figure in the right margin indicate full mark. Answer any four questions. Proper sequence of answer must be maintained.]
1.      (a) Define analog and digital computer. List the important characteristics of the computer.
(b)Draw the functional block diagram of CPU and describe its function.
(c)What are the features of fourth generation computer?
(d) How a binary number can be converted into decimal number?

 2. (a) What is system software? Why operation system is called as system software?
 (b) Why compiler is important?
(c)What are the functions of a Mouse?
(d)  Describe the working principle of Monitor.
3. (a) What do you mean by primary storage device?  How it differentiate with secondary storage device?
(b) How storage device communicate with processing unit of a computer?
(c) What is cache memory? Why it is important?
(d) What is the limitation of RAM?
 4. (a)What is an operating system? List the major tasks of an operating system.
(b)Discuss about by batch processing, multiprocessing and timesharing system with examples.
(c) What do you mean by backup? Why it is important?
(d) What is computer virus? Discuss some measures to prevent the computer system from virus attack.
 5. (a)What is machine language, assemble language and high level language?
(b)What do you mean by algorithm? Explain the different stages of problem solving technique.
(c)Define package software. Briefly explain the various features of word processing software.
(d)Make a comparison between DOS, Windows and linux operating system.
 6. (a) What is the computer network? Discuss about LAN, MAN and WAN.
(b) What is the function of assembler?
(c)List the seven layers of OSI reference model and explain the function of transport and network layers.
(d) Discuss about WiFi, GPRS, EDGE and 3G communication technologies.


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